Regents Park Tai Chi Classes
Regents Park Tai Chi classes are in held in Regents Park accessed via Bennett Drive. Logan Council provides an area located under the shadows of a crown of trees.
In cooler months it is a 9 am start. There is an ideal grassy area for Tai Chi with the warmth of the winter sun to bathe in. In warmer months it changes to 8 am to protect you from the sun. The group meets around the picnic shelter inside the park. Next to this, there is a well-maintained amenities block.
See the map below for the location. And, if you like, fill out the “Book Your Spot” form while you’re there.
What you need for Regents Park Tai Chi Classes
All you need are closed-in shoes, light clothing suited to gentle exercise, and a bottle of water for hydration. It is recommended you carry insect repellent, sunscreen and a hat in reserve.
Use the form below to register. We will try to follow up with an email and confirm your details but you are always welcome. You can also call 0466 954 646 to confirm. Hope we see you there!